Thursday, December 8, 2016

OpsCenter - Installation on Solaris 11 x64 server

Raw install data ->

Installation of OpsCenter 12c

host =Solarisx64
ip =

A. Create a repo
root@opscenter:~# zfs set atime=off datapool/FS_Opt_Repo

root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal# ./install-repo.ksh -d /opt/repo/ -I -v -c
Using sol-11_3-repo download.
Comparing checksums of downloaded files...done. Checksums match.
Repository can be found in /opt/repo/.
Initiating repository verification.
pkg://solaris/system/storage/scsi-target-mode-framework           666/5480 -

root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal# ./install-repo.ksh -d /opt/repo/ -I -v -c
Using sol-11_3-repo download.
Comparing checksums of downloaded files...done. Checksums match.
Repository can be found in /opt/repo/.
Initiating repository verification.
Building ISO image...done.
ISO image can be found at:
Instructions for using the ISO image can be found at:

B. Refresh the repo to make it available
root@opscenter:~# pkgrepo -s /opt/repo/ refresh
Initiating repository refresh.

C. Share across the network
root@opscenter:~# zfs set share=name=s11repo,path=/opt/repo,prot=nfs datapool/FS_Opt_Repo
root@opscenter:~# dfshares solaris
nfs dfshares:solaris: RPC: Unknown host
root@opscenter:~# dfshares solaris
nfs dfshares:solaris: RPC: Unknown host
root@opscenter:~# svcs -a | grep -i bind
online         17:57:10 svc:/network/rpc/bind:default

root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/xvmoc_full_bundle# pkg publisher
solaris                     origin   online F
root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/xvmoc_full_bundle# pkg set-publisher -G '*' -M '*' -g /opt/repo/

# Count the number of word that is being searched on the file
# date:
wcount="`tr" " "\n" < $fileName| grep$strToFind| wc-w`"
echo "The word '$FindWord is fount on $wcount times in the file $FileName."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Run OCdoctor

# ./ --ec-prereq

Got following error, and added following entries to /etc/system and /etc/host file.

error: Need to update/set /etc/system. Add: 'set pidmax=60000' to /etc/system.
        The system will require a reboot after making this change!
error: Need to update/set /etc/system. Add: 'set zfs:zfs_arc_max=6764412928' to
        /etc/system. The system will require a reboot after making this change!
error: Swap:  12G free needed as minimum, 2048M present - swap min equals RAM
        size up to 16G of swap
Number of precheck error messages: 7, number of warnings: 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

root@opscenter:~# swap -l
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 285,1         8  4194296  4194296
root@opscenter:~# swap -d /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap
root@opscenter:~# zfs set volsize=12G rpool/swap
root@opscenter:~# swap -a /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap
root@opscenter:~# swap -l
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 285,1         8 25165816 25165816
root@opscenter:~# df -h /tmp
Filesystem             Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
swap                    12G    12M        12G     1%    /tmp
root@opscenter:~# swap -d /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap
root@opscenter:~# zfs set volsize=12G rpool/swap
root@opscenter:~# swap -a /dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap
root@opscenter:~# swap -l
swapfile             dev    swaplo   blocks     free
/dev/zvol/dsk/rpool/swap 285,1         8 33554424 33554424
root@opscenter:~# df -h /tmp
Filesystem             Size   Used  Available Capacity  Mounted on
swap                    26G     4K        26G     1%    /tmp

root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/OCDoctor# ulimit -Sn 1024

root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/OCDoctor# ulimit -Hn 65536

root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/xvmoc_full_bundle# zfs set quota=70G rpool/ROOT/solaris/var

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
error: Need to update/set /etc/system. Add: 'set max_nprocs=50000' to
        /etc/system. The system will require a reboot after making this change!
error: Need to update/set /etc/system. Add: 'set maxuprc=50000' to /etc/system.
        The system will require a reboot after making this change!
error: Need to update /etc/system. Update zfs_arc_max to: 'set
        zfs:zfs_arc_max=3006477107' in /etc/system. The system will require a
        reboot after making this change!
Number of precheck error messages: 4, number of warnings: 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Please fix the problem and then try this step again.
For a full log of the failed install see the file: /var/tmp/opscenter/installer.log.1330.
t. Try this step again (correct the failure before proceeding)
x. Exit
Enter selection: (t/x)

after changing the parameter, and rebooting, it didn't throw error any more

You may choose to ignore this warning by selecting to continue.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kernel is currently configured with max_nprocs:  50000
max_nprocs value found in or under /etc/system:    50000
This vers,, is greater than or equal to
/usr/bin/pkgrepo list -s file:///opt/repo/  pkg://solaris/entire@0.5.11,5.11-           
The configured solaris publisher supports this version of Oracle Solaris 11
Testing Shell Limits
localhost is alive
warning: Filesystem: /var - 85G recommended, 39G available.
Number of precheck error messages: 0, number of warnings: 1
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Please fix the problem and then try this step again.
For a full log of the failed install see the file: /var/tmp/opscenter/installer.log.1361.
t. Try this step again (correct the failure before proceeding)
c. Continue (ignore the warning)
x. Exit
Enter selection: (t/c/x) c
Continuing step:  Check for installation prerequisites.
Completed current step:  Check for installation prerequisites.
                                                               Ops Center Enterprise Controller
                                                                     (version on SunOS)

Executing current step:  Configure file systems...
Completed current step:  Configure file systems.
                                                               Ops Center Enterprise Controller
                                                                     (version on SunOS)


root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/xvmoc_full_bundle# ./install

21. Initialize and start services.                                                                      
                                               [Not Completed]
Failed Step:  Install and Configure Oracle Database.
The following is a portion of the installer
log which may indicate the cause of the error.
If this does not indicate the cause of the
error, you will need to view the full log
file. More information on how to do that is
available below.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
System parameter file is
Log messages written to /var/opt/sun/xvm/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/opscenter/oclistener/alert/log.xml
Error listening on: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=opscenter)(PORT=11176)))
TNS-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist
 TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
  TNS-00515: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist

Listener failed to start. See the error message(s) above...
12-06-2016:18:54:00 ERROR: Could not start listener: OCLISTENER
Error: 256 when executing: cd /opt/ORCLsysman-db; ./cmd/ 0 2000 6143
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Please fix the problem and then try this step again.
For a full log of the failed install see the file: /var/tmp/opscenter/installer.log.1361.
t. Try this step again (correct the failure before proceeding)
x. Exit
Enter selection: (t/x)

D. added opscenter [hostname] on hostfile and continue, start working fine....

detail log, check at
# more /var/tmp/opscenter/installer.log.1361


Executing current step:  Seed Ops Center Database Schema..

Executing current step:  Initialize and start services...
Completed current step:  Initialize and start services.
                                                               Ops Center Enterprise Controller
                                                                     (version on SunOS)
 1. Check for installation prerequisites.                                                               
 2. Configure file systems.                                                                             
 3. Install prerequisite packages.                                                                      
 4. Install Agent components.                                                                           
 5. Create Deployable Proxy Bundles.                                                                    
 6. Install application packages.                                                                       
 7. Run postinstall tasks.                                                                              
 8. Install Expect.                                                                                     
 9. Install IPMI tool.                                                                                  
10. Set database credentials.                                                                           
11. Install and Configure Oracle Database.                                                              
12. Seed Ops Center Database Schema                                                                     
13. Install Service container components.                                                               
14. Install Core Channel components.                                                                    
15. Install Proxy Core components.                                                                      
16. Set Proxy database credentials.                                                                     
17. Install Enterprise Controller components.                                                           
18. Install Update Connection - Enterprise.                                                             
19. Install Ops Center BUI components.                                                                  
20. Install OS provisioning components.                                                                 
21. Initialize and start services.                                                                      

21. Initialize and start services.                                                                      

Ops Center Enterprise Controller installation is complete.
Please point your browser to:
to begin using Ops Center Enterprise Controller.

complaining about /var fs
root@opscenter:/export/home/kamal/xvmoc_full_bundle# zfs set quota=70G rpool/ROOT/solaris/var

login to the opscenter
login with your OS root/pw
and follow the prompt to continue.
1. prerequisite check list
it complained for /var fs and increase to 70 G

2. Enterprise controller set up

3. proxy controller status
Proxy Controller Status
This table shows Proxy Controllers registered with this Ops Center, including the current status. A
Proxy must be online to be able to perform jobs such as discovery. If Proxy registration/startup is
still ocurring the status will update automatically. If the Proxy startup failed you can click Back to
retry the Proxy deployment.
For enabled Proxies you may perform a remote connectivity check. A job will be sent to the specified
Proxy, which will attempt to connect to a system in the Proxy's subnet using various discovery protocols
and will report the status. You will be prompted for the remote system to check when you launch the
Proxy Controller Status
Hostname Status IP/Subnet Mask  Connectivity
opscenter.expanor.local ONLINE check
click on check to verify it.
next to continue ..

4. connection mode
Two mode
- connected mode
- Disconnected mode
we will be using disconnected mode since we will not be directly connected.

5. create software libraries
- select the default
Enter the URL location for the following component libraries. The Enterprise Controller creates the
libraries locally or connects to NAS libraries in the specified locations.

Software Library: file:///var/opt/sun/xvm/locallib/swlib0
*Oracle Solaris 11 Software Update Library: file:///var/opt/sun/xvm/locallib/
*Linux and Oracle Solaris 8-10 Software Update Library: file:///var/opt/sun/xvm/locallib/swlib2
Example of local library URL: file://var/opt/sun/xvm/locallib/swlib0
Example of NAS library URL: nfs://

6. configure dhcp for os provisining
7. Summary

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