Setting Up printer using CUPS Command-Line Utilities on SOlaris 11.2
1. Become root
sam@apsol11sas25:~$ sudo su -
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Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.11 11.2 June 2014
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2. How to Set Up Your Printing Environment
2.1. Ensure that the cups/scheduler and the cups/in-lpd SMF services are online.
root@apsol11sas25:~# svcs -a | grep cups/scheduler
online Nov_20 svc:/application/cups/scheduler:default
root@apsol11sas25:~# svcs -a | grep cups/in-lpd
disabled Nov_20 svc:/application/cups/in-lpd:default
2.2. If not running, enable these services
root@apsol11sas25:~# svcadm enable cups/in-lpd
root@apsol11sas25:~# svcs -a | grep cups/in-lpd
online 11:46:28 svc:/application/cups/in-lpd:default
2.3. Find out if the printer/cups/system-config-printer package is installed on your system.
root@apsol11sas25:~# pkg info print/cups/system-config-printer
Name: print/cups/system-config-printer
Summary: Print Manager for CUPS
Category: System/Administration and Configuration
State: Installed
Publisher: solaris
Version: 1.0.16
Build Release: 5.11
Packaging Date: October 28, 2013 03:14:17 PM
Size: 2.69 MB
FMRI: pkg://solaris/print/cups/system-config-printer@1.0.16,5.11-
2.4. If not installed, install it
# pkg install print/cups/system-config-printer
2.5. list the print service enabled on your system
root@apsol11sas25:~# /usr/sbin/print-service -q
-bash: /usr/sbin/print-service: No such file or directory
root@apsol11sas25:~# print-service -q
-bash: print-service: command not found
3. Set Up a printer using the lpadmin Command
root@apsol11sas25:~# lpstat -d
no system default destination
root@apsol11sas25:~# lpadm
-bash: lpadm: command not found
root@apsol11sas25:~# ls -l /usr/sbin/lpadmin
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 28068 Sep 22 16:59 /usr/sbin/lpadmin
root@apsol11sas25:~# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p ^C
root@apsol11sas25:~# hp5593^C
root@apsol11sas25:~# ping hp5593
hp5593 is alive
root@apsol11sas25:~# nslookup hp5593
3.1 Use the lpadmin command with the -p option to add a printer to CUPS.
root@apsol11sas25:~# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p hp5593 -E
-p ---> Specifies the name of the printer to add.
-E ---> Enables the destination and accepts jobs.
root@apsol11sas25:~# lpstat -d
no system default destination
3.2. Enable the printer to accept print requests and to print those requests.
root@apsol11sas25:~# cupsaccept hp5593
root@apsol11sas25:~# cupsenable hp5593
3.3. Verify that the printer is correctly configured
root@apsol11sas25:~# lpstat -p hp5593 -l
printer hp5593 is idle. enabled since November 25, 2014 11:51:11 AM EST
root@apsol11sas25:~# lpstat -d
no system default destination
root@apsol11sas25:~# lpstat -p hp5593
printer hp5593 is idle. enabled since November 25, 2014 11:51:11 AM EST
root@apsol11sas25:~# pwd
root@apsol11sas25:~# cd /var/tmp
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# cat >testprint
Testing printer from Sam to John.
If you see this page, please give it to John.
Thank you
Printed from apsol11sas25
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# ls testprint
4. Test your print job
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lp testprint
lp: Error - no default destination available.
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lp -d hp5593 testprint
request id is hp5593-1 (1 file(s))
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lpstat
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lpstat -l
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lpstat -r
scheduler is running
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lpstat -t
scheduler is running
no system default destination
device for hp5593: ///dev/null
hp5593 accepting requests since November 25, 2014 11:58:32 AM EST
printer hp5593 is idle. enabled since November 25, 2014 11:58:32 AM EST
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# man lpstat
Reformatting page. Please Wait... done
5. Set the system's default destination printer
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lpadmin -d hp5593
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lpstat -d
system default destination: hp5593
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# ls -ltr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 128 Nov 25 11:57 testprint
root@apsol11sas25:/var/tmp# lp testprint
request id is hp5593-2 (1 file(s))