On server
1. export your share to other hosts
# cat >/etc/exports
/opt/share *(rw,sync)
# service nfs reload
# exportfs -->> verify your share is exported to other hosts
On client
1. Get the share for this system from remote server
# showmmount -e nfsserver
2. Create mount point
# mkdir /mynfs
3. Mount your remote share
# mount nfsserver:/sharename /mnt
On your windows machine
1. Create a directory and share it
On your linux Machine
1. Install samba client
2. List the windows share
[root@localhost html]# smbclient -U admin -L
Enter admin's password:
session request to failed (Called name not present)
Domain=[ADMIN-HP] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1]
Sharename Type Comment
Users Disk
3. Mount the share
# mount -o username=admin // /mnt
1. export your share to other hosts
# cat >/etc/exports
/opt/share *(rw,sync)
# service nfs reload
# exportfs -->> verify your share is exported to other hosts
On client
1. Get the share for this system from remote server
# showmmount -e nfsserver
2. Create mount point
# mkdir /mynfs
3. Mount your remote share
# mount nfsserver:/sharename /mnt
On your windows machine
1. Create a directory and share it
On your linux Machine
1. Install samba client
2. List the windows share
[root@localhost html]# smbclient -U admin -L
Enter admin's password:
session request to failed (Called name not present)
Domain=[ADMIN-HP] OS=[Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1] Server=[Windows 7 Professional 6.1]
Sharename Type Comment
Users Disk
3. Mount the share
# mount -o username=admin // /mnt
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