Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Package Management

Package Management

rpm -i  -> Install Package
rpm -U  -> Update Package
use -i for new kernel so they are installed
rpm -i kernel
rpm -i –-oldpackage  downgrade
rpm -i -–replacefiles  forced install
rpm -i -–nodeps  ignore dependencies
rpm -F  update package in required, or installs if no older version
rpm -e   removes package
rpm -i –-replacepkgs  reinstall overtop

rpm -qa --last   -->  lists all installed packages sorted by install date
rpm -qi package  --> package info
rpm -ql package  --> list of all files in package
rpm -q -f /file/name  --> list package a file belongs to
rpm -q –changelog package  --> display changelog for package
"rpm -qa –-queryformat “%{NAME}\n”
     NAME,DISTRIBUTION or RELEASE"  limit out to name, distribution or release
rpm -qa gpg-pubkey  lists pub keys for package signatures
rpm -–import /key/file  import pub key for signed packages
rpm -V package  Verifies the install of a package and lists inconsistencies
$ rpm -qa --last dstat
dstat-0.7.0-1.el6.noarch                      Sat 08 Nov 2014 07:54:42 PM EST

yum update  update package
yum localinstall ./mypkg
yum clean all
yum repolist
yum list    -->> list all packages, installed and available
yum install  pkgname --> installs the package
yum remove pkgname --> removes package
yum list installed  -->> lists all installed packages
yum groupinstall  "group name" ->> groupinstall like desktop packages
yum search keyword  -->> keyword search
yum info package  --> displays info on package
yum grouplist  -->> list installed and available package groups
yum provides /file/name  filename search
yum list*fire*”  -->> list packages named fire, installed and available

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