Friday, April 25, 2014

VNC and remove desktop

        VNC [Virtual Network connection]

- VNC stands for Virtual Network connection
- Package name - tigervnc-server
- Service name - vncserver


        VNC server

# yum install tigetvnc-server -y
# vim /etc/syscionfig/vncservers
          Insert mode
Uncomment      VNCSERVERS="2:user2 1:user1"            // add users to allow
# useradd user1
# useradd user2
# passwd user1
# passwd user2
# su - user1
# vncpasswd        // provide the VNC password
# exit
# su - user2
# vncpasswd        // provide the VNC password
# exit
# service vncserver restart


        VNC Client

# yum install tigervnc -y
# vncviewer            // VNC server IP
  Enter VNCpassword


        RDC [Remote Desktop Connection]

RDC is similar to RDP in windows

1.    Goto --> System --> Preferences --> Remote Desktop
2.    (tick) Allow other users to view desktop
3.    (tick) Require user to enter password ___________

Goto, Client PC

# yum install tigervnc -y
# vncviewer
  Enter password

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