Friday, April 25, 2014

Configure and set up ftp


- FTP stands for File transfer protocol
- It is used for uploading and downloading the files
- By Default, Root is not allowed for FTP service because,
  FTP sends and recievs in clear text form

- Package name     = vsftpd     [for Server]
- Package name     = ftp         [for Client]
- Port NO.    = 20 , 21
- Configuration file = /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
- Service     = vsftpd
- Default Enabled user = anonymous    // works without passowrd


FTP -        Server Side

# yum install vsftpd -y
# service vsftpd restart
# chkconf vsftpd on
# cd /var/ftp/pub
# touch a b c d e


FTP -        Client Side

# yum install ftp -y
# ftp        // FTP server IP


FTP -        Commands

A.) To Download a file

i.    get and mget command

# ftp            // FTP server IP
# get filename
# mget file1 file2 file3        // For Mutiple files

ii.    wget command

# wget        // FTP server IP ; a= filename


B.) To upload a file

Server Side :

# yum install vsftpd -y
# service vsftpd restart
# chkconf vsftpd on
# cd /var/ftp/pub
# touch a b c d e
# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
  anon_upload_enable=YES    // uncomment the line
# service vsftpd restart

Client Side :

# ftp IPaddress
ftp> cd pub
ftp> put /root/Desktop/abc
Error recieved
227 : Enter Passive mode
553 : Could not create file

NOte : Check the permission of PUB Folder, by default Write permission is not there

# ls /var/ftp            // Donot have write permission
# chmod 777 /var/ftp/pub

Note : Change the group name of pub folder from Root to FTP

# chgrp ftp /var/ftp/pub

Try again,Same Error

Now, check for SE linux policy
# setenforce 0
# getsbool -a | grep ftp
# setsebool -P allow_ftp_anon_write on        // allow_ftp_anon_write = to allow annonymous user with write permission
# setenforce 1
# chcon -t public_content_rw-t pub/

Try again,

# ftp IPaddress
ftp> cd pub
ftp> put /root/Desktop/abc


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