Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Solaris 10 - Kernel patching Q2 2018

[root@mm-erp-v24]# lustatus
Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
aBE_10202017               yes      no     no        yes    -
pBE_01222018               yes      yes    yes       no     -

[root@mm-erp-v24]# uname -a
SunOS mm-erp-v24 5.10 Generic_150400-59 sun4v sparc sun4v

[root@mm-erp-v24]# ludelete aBE_10202017
WARNING: Deleting ZFS dataset <rpool/ROOT/aBE_10202017>.
WARNING: Deleting ZFS dataset <rpool/ROOT/aBE_10202017/var>.
Updating boot environment configuration database.
Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.
Updating all boot environment configuration databases.

[root@mm-erp-v24]# lustatus
Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
pBE_01222018               yes      yes    yes       no     -

[root@mm-erp-v24]# cp -p /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cp -p /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cp  /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cp /etc/mail/ /etc/mail/`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# df -h >/var/tmp/df.out.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# zfs list >/var/tmp/myzfs.out.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# zpool list> /var/tmp/zpool.list.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# zpool status >/var/tmp/zpool.status.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cat /etc/lu/ICF.1>/var/tmp/ICF1.bk.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cat /etc/lu/ICF.2>/var/tmp/ICF2.bk.`date '+BK_%m-%d-%Y'`
cat: cannot open /etc/lu/ICF.2
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /var/adm; rm pacct.* auditlog.0 auditlog.1
auditlog.0: No such file or directory
auditlog.1: No such file or directory
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /var/tmp; rm -fr DCE* SPX* TCP* US* RAW* NMP* net* ISPX* VI* BEQ* DEC* ITCP*
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /var/audit; /usr/local/bin/; cd /var/tmp
find: stat() error /var/audit/ No such file or directory

[root@mm-erp-v24]#   lustatus
Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
pBE_01222018               yes      yes    yes       no     -

[root@mm-erp-v24]# lucreate -n aBE_04202018
Analyzing system configuration.
Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.
Updating system configuration files.
Creating configuration for boot environment <aBE_04202018>.
Source boot environment is <pBE_01222018>.
Creating file systems on boot environment <aBE_04202018>.
Populating file systems on boot environment <aBE_04202018>.
Analyzing Primary boot environment.
Processing alternate boot environment.
ZFS Datasets for which snapshot and clone will be created for BE <aBE_04202018> are:
Duplicating ZFS datasets from PBE to ABE.
Creating snapshot for <rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018> on <rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018@aBE_04202018>.
Creating clone for <rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018@aBE_04202018> on <rpool/ROOT/aBE_04202018>.
Creating snapshot for <rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018/var> on <rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018/var@aBE_04202018>.
Creating clone for <rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018/var@aBE_04202018> on <rpool/ROOT/aBE_04202018/var>.
Mounting ABE <aBE_04202018>.
Generating list of files to be copied to ABE.
Finalizing ABE.
Unmounting ABE <aBE_04202018>.
Fixing properties of ZFS datasets in ABE.
Reverting state of zones in PBE <pBE_01222018>.
Making boot environment <aBE_04202018> bootable.
Population of boot environment <aBE_04202018> successful.
Creation of boot environment <aBE_04202018> successful.

[root@mm-erp-v24]# lumount aBE_04202018 /alt

[root@mm-erp-v24]# lustatus
Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
pBE_01222018               yes      yes    yes       no     -
aBE_04202018               yes      no     no        yes    -
[root@mm-erp-v24]# sleep 2

[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /repository/Solaris/patches/10_Recommended_CPU_2018-04
[root@mm-erp-v24]# df -h / /alt
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018    73G   7.3G   4.7G    61%    /
rpool/ROOT/aBE_04202018    73G   7.3G   4.7G    61%    /alt
[root@mm-erp-v24]# pwd
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /export/home/sam
[root@mm-erp-v24]# ls -l
[root@mm-erp-v24]# rm
[root@mm-erp-v24]# pwd
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /alt/export/home/sam
[root@mm-erp-v24]# ls
[root@mm-erp-v24]# df -h .
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
rpool/export/home       73G   3.6G   7.6G    32%    /export/home
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /repository/Solaris/patches/
10_Recommended_CPU_2018-04/  Old_Paches/
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd /repository/Solaris/patches/10_Recommended_CPU_2018-04
[root@mm-erp-v24]# ls
10_Recommended_CPU_2018-04.README  LEGAL_LICENSE.TXT                  patch_order
10_Recommended_CPU_2018-04.html    installcluster                     patches
Copyright                          installpatchset                    patchset.conf

[root@mm-erp-v24]# ./installcluster --apply-prereq --s10patchset

Setup .......................
CPU OS Patchset 2018/04 Solaris 10 SPARC (2018.04.12)
Application of patches started : 2018.04.24 10:35:19

Applying 120900-04 ( 1 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 121133-02 ( 2 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 119254-93 ( 3 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 119317-01 ( 4 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 121296-01 ( 5 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 138215-03 ( 6 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 148336-03 ( 7 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 146054-07 ( 8 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 142251-02 ( 9 of 10) ... skipped
Applying 125555-16 (10 of 10) ... skipped

Application of patches finished : 2018.04.24 10:35:28

Following patches were skipped :
 Patches already applied
 120900-04     119254-93     121296-01     148336-03     142251-02
 121133-02     119317-01     138215-03     146054-07     125555-16

Installation of prerequisite patches complete.

Install log files written :
[root@mm-erp-v24]# df -h /alt
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
                        73G   7.3G   9.6G    44%    /alt
_Recommended.out 2>&1 &up ./installcluster -R /alt --s10patchset --disable-space-check > /alt/opt/Patches/10_Recommended.out
[1] 2829

[root@mm-erp-v24]# tail -f /alt/opt/Patches/10_Recommended.out
Applying 142251-02 (  9 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 118706-01 ( 13 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 118707-05 ( 14 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 126540-02 ( 72 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 127127-11 ( 73 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 125533-17 (168 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 125670-04 (169 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 147023-01 (296 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 147194-03 (297 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 150836-01 (382 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 152724-02 (416 of 417) ... skipped
Applying 152728-01 (417 of 417) ... skipped

Application of patches finished : 2018.04.24 11:04:32

Following patches were applied :
 150119-05     150377-07     152077-91     152097-81     152510-07
 150400-61     152076-91     152096-81     152260-04     152643-06

Following patches were skipped :
 Patches already applied
 120900-04     142909-17     126630-06     144106-01     149067-01
 121133-02     144526-02     126868-05     144188-02     149071-01
 119254-93     144500-19     127752-01     144229-02     149075-01
 119317-01     147442-01     127872-02     144327-02     149108-01
 121296-01     147147-26     128292-01     147002-01     149112-01
 138215-03     150510-03     128298-02     144872-03     149149-01
 148336-03     150551-03     128310-01     144909-03     149163-01
 146054-07     148071-19     128332-01     144994-02     149165-01
 142251-02     151912-11     136882-08     145006-09     149167-06
 125555-16     119757-43     136893-02     145023-01     149173-07
 118367-04     119783-40     136998-10     147217-05     149175-13
 118705-02     119810-08     137000-08     145080-15     149279-04
 118706-01     119812-22     137032-01     145120-01     149312-04
 118707-05     119900-18     137080-11     145200-13     121081-08
 118708-19     119903-02     137093-01     145648-03     149453-02
 118711-03     119906-22     137097-02     147143-17     149483-01
 118777-18     119963-24     137102-01     146288-03     149496-02
 118918-24     119966-01     137115-01     146334-01     149638-05
 138217-01     119986-03     137147-08     146582-05     149646-02
 119578-30     120094-36     137282-01     146673-01     150025-01
 140860-02     120101-01     137321-04     146679-01     150031-15
 121453-02     120201-07     137871-02     146681-02     150032-01
 121453-02     120256-01     138096-02     146694-02     150107-03
 121118-21     120284-07     138181-01     146834-02     150113-02
 118833-36     121975-01     138195-04     147023-01     150123-01
 118945-01     120543-36     138245-01     147219-01     150157-01
 118981-03     120719-07     138352-06     147227-01     150173-01
 119059-72     120732-01     138647-01     147272-01     150180-02
 119063-02     120739-08     138649-01     147673-11     150310-02
 119081-25     120830-06     138766-01     147793-22     150383-19
 119115-35     121095-05     138822-12     147797-04     150534-01
 119130-33     121337-01     138826-12     147805-01     150535-01
 119213-36     120235-01     138852-01     147992-10     150537-01
 123611-05     121428-15     139289-02     148002-01     150539-01
 119280-25     121606-04     139615-01     148004-01     150545-02
 119282-01     121946-01     139962-02     148006-01     150616-02
 140899-01     122259-09     139980-01     148027-03     150618-02
 119313-42     122911-37     139986-01     148031-05     150832-12
 124188-03     123003-04     140912-01     148049-04     150836-01
 122212-46     123252-01     141032-01     148104-23     150912-01
 119410-10     123358-02     141104-04     148112-02     151074-06
 120099-08     123526-01     141496-01     148241-05     151148-01
 119546-08     123590-12     141548-01     150312-06     151355-01
 119648-03     123893-79     141558-01     148309-08     151561-01
 120272-40     123938-05     142240-01     148322-13     151615-01
 122640-05     124149-16     142244-02     148342-09     151696-01
 126897-02     124325-01     142340-02     148383-01     151717-01
 127755-01     124393-12     142373-04     148403-01     151721-01
 125503-02     124397-02     142394-01     148407-01     151723-01
 125547-02     124939-05     142397-01     148412-02     151755-02
 140796-01     124997-01     142428-02     148423-01     151914-07
 120011-14     125075-01     142430-01     148559-18     152083-01
 139520-02     125215-07     142529-01     148561-12     152248-01
 125891-01     125505-01     142543-01     148565-01     150121-01
 126540-02     125533-17     143139-02     148625-01     152264-01
 127127-11     125719-58     143502-01     148627-02     152363-01
 138866-03     125725-03     143506-12     148693-01     152506-01
 137137-09     125731-13     143609-03     148768-02     152514-02
 141016-01     126119-02     143643-08     148870-01     152647-01
 139555-08     126206-12     144664-01     148881-03     152649-02
 142292-01     126363-10     143725-11     150435-04     152651-01
 141444-09     126425-01     143731-01     148888-05     152724-02
 142911-01     126440-01     143739-01     148948-01     152728-01
 142933-05     126546-10     144047-01     148975-01
 Patches obsoleted by one or more patches already applied
 118712-23     118731-01     120753-09     138854-01     144455-01
 118718-06     124204-04     121308-20     139099-04     144492-01
 119117-52     122660-10     122470-03     139620-01     144569-01
 119246-39     119764-07     124171-07     140455-01     144911-02
 124628-10     119955-05     123630-03     141532-04     145096-03
 119252-29     120460-17     124457-02     141586-01     145929-05
 119278-38     119368-04     124630-42     142049-01     146954-03
 119315-19     120286-03     125279-05     142234-01     147194-03
 120199-15     120292-02     126365-16     143733-01     147378-01
 119534-29     120348-03     138247-01     143954-04     148135-01
 119538-19     120410-33     138361-01     144325-01     148165-02
 Patches not applicable to packages on the system
 121181-05     120812-32     122031-01     137090-02     144996-02
 119309-03     120815-01     122472-07     138824-12     150631-04
 119548-14     120849-04     123005-07     139291-02     151719-01
 120195-02     120928-32     123301-01     143317-03     152100-71
 120412-11     121104-11     125332-24     143527-01     152250-01
 120414-27     121136-02     125670-04     143651-01     152252-02
 120811-09     121211-02     137004-09

Installation of patch set to alternate boot environment complete.

Install log files written :
[1]+  Done   nohup ./installcluster -R /alt --s10patchset --disable-space-check > /alt/opt/Patches/10_Recommended.out 2>&1
[root@mm-erp-v24]# pwd
[root@mm-erp-v24]# df -h / /alt
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018    73G   7.3G   8.2G    48%    /
rpool/ROOT/aBE_04202018    73G   7.3G   8.2G    48%    /alt

[root@mm-erp-v24]# bootadm update-archive -R /alt
Creating boot_archive for /alt
updating /alt/platform/sun4v/boot_archive
[root@mm-erp-v24]# cd
[root@mm-erp-v24]# sleep 1

[root@mm-erp-v24]# luumount aBE_04202018
[root@mm-erp-v24]# sleep 2

[root@mm-erp-v24]# luactivate aBE_04202018
A Live Upgrade Sync operation will be performed on startup of boot environment <aBE_04202018>.


The target boot environment has been activated. It will be used when you
reboot. NOTE: You MUST NOT USE the reboot, halt, or uadmin commands. You
MUST USE either the init or the shutdown command when you reboot. If you
do not use either init or shutdown, the system will not boot using the
target BE.


In case of a failure while booting to the target BE, the following process
needs to be followed to fallback to the currently working boot environment:

1. Enter the PROM monitor (ok prompt).

2. Boot the machine to Single User mode using a different boot device
(like the Solaris Install CD or Network). Examples:

     At the PROM monitor (ok prompt):
     For boot to Solaris CD:  boot cdrom -s
     For boot to network:     boot net -s

3. Mount the Current boot environment root slice to some directory (like
/mnt). You can use the following commands in sequence to mount the BE:

     zpool import rpool
     zfs inherit -r mountpoint rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018
     zfs set mountpoint=<mountpointName> rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018
     zfs mount rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018

4. Run <luactivate> utility with out any arguments from the Parent boot
environment root slice, as shown below:


5. luactivate, activates the previous working boot environment and
indicates the result.
6. umount /mnt
7. zfs set mountpoint=/ rpool/ROOT/pBE_01222018
8. Exit Single User mode and reboot the machine.


Modifying boot archive service
Activation of boot environment <aBE_04202018> successful.

[root@mm-erp-v24]# lustatus
Boot Environment           Is       Active Active    Can    Copy
Name                       Complete Now    On Reboot Delete Status
-------------------------- -------- ------ --------- ------ ----------
pBE_01222018               yes      yes    no        no     -
aBE_04202018               yes      no     yes       no     -

[root@mm-erp-v24]# virtinfo -a
Domain role: LDoms guest
Domain name: mm-erp-v24
Domain UUID: c36469c7-97b2-ba3c-bcd5-c211741nb044
Control domain: p02_inf-mgt
Chassis serial#: AK22166076

[root@mm-erp-v24]# sync;sync;sync
[root@mm-erp-v24]# init 6
[root@mm-erp-v24]# uname -a
SunOS mm-erp-v24 5.10 Generic_150400-61 sun4v sparc sun4v

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