Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sun M 5000 login, power on, power off

bash-3.2$ ssh  digicon2
Console access type: Digi Passport
jay@digicon2's password:
 Entering server port, ..... type ^x for port menu.
================================================                                     WARNING
you will be entering to a computer system protected by law.
melone225 console login: jay
Enter Your Cached LAN Password:
May  9 16:11:21 melone225 last message repeated 2 times
May  9 16:11:51 melone225 login[3802]: Login failure on /dev/console, jay
May  9 16:11:51 melone225 vasd[3876]: parent_loop_body: Network state going down due to unable
to establich creds, error <VAS_ERR_CRED_NEEDED: Encountered VAS_ID_FLAG_KEEP_COPY_OF_CRED that
does not have copy of creds>
Login incorrect
 you will be entering to a computer system protected by law.
melone225 console login: melone225 console login: jay
Enter Your Cached LAN Password:
Last login: Thu Apr 24 15:18:53 from
Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.10      Generic Patch   January 2005
$ sudo su -
Enter Your Cached LAN Password:
May  9 16:12:16 melone225 sudo:   jay : TTY=console ; PWD=/fmac/users/jay ; USER=root ;
May  9 16:12:16 melone225 su[22356]: 'su root' succeeded for jay on /dev/console
Oracle Corporation      SunOS 5.10      Generic Patch   January 2005
You have new mail.
root@melone225:/ > May  9 16:12:21 melone225 vasd[3876]: parent_loop_body: Network state going
down due to unable to establich creds, error <VAS_ERR_CRED_NEEDED: Encountered
VAS_ID_FLAG_KEEP_COPY_OF_CRED that does not have copy of creds>
root@melone225:/ > /opt/CA/eac/bin/secons -s
/usr/bin/ksh: /opt/CA/eac/bin/secons:  not found
root@melone225:/ > init 5
May  9 16:12:33 melone225 tictimed[10256]: [tictimed]: stopping on SIGTERM or SIGPWR.
May  9 16:12:33 melone225 tictimed[10256]: [tictimed]: stopping on SIGTERM or SIGPWR.
root@melone225:/ > ^C
root@melone225:/ > ^C
root@melone225:/ > ^C
root@melone225:/ > ^C
root@melone225:/ > May  9 16:12:52 melone225 vasd[3876]: parent_loop_body: Network state going
down due to unable to establich creds, error <VAS_ERR_CRED_NEEDED: Encountered
VAS_ID_FLAG_KEEP_COPY_OF_CRED that does not have copy of creds>
May  9 16:13:15 melone225 syseventd[356]: SIGHUP caught - reloading modules
May  9 16:13:17 melone225 syseventd[356]: Daemon restarted
May  9 16:13:22 melone225 vasd[3876]: parent_loop_body: Network state going down due to unable
to establich creds, error <VAS_ERR_CRED_NEEDED: Encountered VAS_ID_FLAG_KEEP_COPY_OF_CRED that
does not have copy of creds>
svc.startd: The system is coming down.  Please wait.
svc.startd: 94 system services are now being stopped.
^[syncing file systems... done

>> 'john' initiated a new r/w session
>> 'bill' initiated a new r/w session
exit from console.
XSCF> showdomainstatus -a
DID         Domain Status
00          Running
01          Powered Off
02          -
03          -
XSCF> console -d 0
Console contents may be logged.
Connect to DomainID 0?[y|n] :y
 you will be entering to a computer system protected by law.
melone125 console login: exit from console.
XSCF> showdomainstatus -a
DID         Domain Status
00          Running
01          Powered Off
02          -
03          -
XSCF> console -d 00
Console contents may be logged.
Connect to DomainID 0?[y|n] :y
  you will be entering to a computer system protected by law.
melone125 console login: exit from console.
XSCF> showdomainstatus -a
DID         Domain Status
00          Running
01          Powered Off
02          -
03          -
XSCF> console -d 01
Console contents may be logged.
Connect to DomainID 1?[y|n] :yes
Unexpected input. Please enter a valid option.
Console contents may be logged.
Connect to DomainID 1?[y|n] :y
>> 'marc' initiated a new r/w session
exit from console.
XSCF> showdoaminstatus -a
shell: showdoaminstatus: command not found
XSCF> showdomainstatus -a
DID         Domain Status
00          Running
01          Powered Off
02          -
03          -
XSCF> poweron -d 01
DomainIDs to power on:01
Continue? [y|n] :y
01 :Powering on
 This command only issues the instruction to power-on.
 The result of the instruction can be checked by the "showlogs power".
XSCF> console -d 01
Console contents may be logged.
Connect to DomainID 1?[y|n] :y
POST Sequence 01 CPU Check
LSB#01 (XSB#01-1): POST 2.17.0 (2011/11/17 10:29)
LSB#03 (XSB#01-3): POST 2.17.0 (2011/11/17 10:29)
LSB#02 (XSB#01-2): POST 2.17.0 (2011/11/17 10:29)
POST Sequence 02 Banner
LSB#00 (XSB#01-0): POST 2.17.0 (2011/11/17 10:29)
POST Sequence 03 Fatal Check
POST Sequence 04 CPU Register
POST Sequence 05 STICK
POST Sequence 06 MMU
POST Sequence 07 Memory Initialize
POST Sequence 08 Memory

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