LDAP - Light Weight Directory Access Protocol
Package Name: Directory Client and openldap-clients
a. It provides centralized authentication for user
b. It uses TCP/IP Port 389
c. Service it starts is: sssd
How to set up client
Note: Make sure to set up yum repo.
# yum groupinstall "Directory Client" -y
# yum install openldap-clients -y
# authconfig-gtk (GUI)
ldap :// sama.expanor.local
Certificate: http://sama.expanor.local/yum/CA/ca.crt
Auth : LDAP Password
# chkconf sssd on
# ldapsearch -x -ZZ - to search for LDAP users
# getent passwd ldapuser - to get details of LDAP user
# su - ldapuser10 - Switch to LDAP user
Set up autofs
# yum install autofs -y
# vi /etc/auto.master
Insert mode
/lhome /etc/auto.ldap
Note: /lhome=predefined directory avilable in LDAP server
# vi /etc/auto.ldap
ldapuser -rw host.domain.com:/lhome/ldapuser
* -rw host.domain.com:/lhome/&
Note: & at the end mean to share everything in /lhomedirectory
Restart the autofs
# service autofs stop
# service autofs start
# chkconf autofs on
Package Name: Directory Client and openldap-clients
a. It provides centralized authentication for user
b. It uses TCP/IP Port 389
c. Service it starts is: sssd
How to set up client
Note: Make sure to set up yum repo.
# yum groupinstall "Directory Client" -y
# yum install openldap-clients -y
# authconfig-gtk (GUI)
ldap :// sama.expanor.local
Certificate: http://sama.expanor.local/yum/CA/ca.crt
Auth : LDAP Password
# chkconf sssd on
# ldapsearch -x -ZZ - to search for LDAP users
# getent passwd ldapuser - to get details of LDAP user
# su - ldapuser10 - Switch to LDAP user
Set up autofs
# yum install autofs -y
# vi /etc/auto.master
Insert mode
/lhome /etc/auto.ldap
Note: /lhome=predefined directory avilable in LDAP server
# vi /etc/auto.ldap
ldapuser -rw host.domain.com:/lhome/ldapuser
* -rw host.domain.com:/lhome/&
Note: & at the end mean to share everything in /lhomedirectory
Restart the autofs
# service autofs stop
# service autofs start
# chkconf autofs on
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