Thursday, April 7, 2016

Solaris - basic SPARC M7 server login setup info

basic SPARC M7 server login setup info

Connect terminals or a terminal emulators (PC or workstation) to the two serial

Configure the terminal or terminal emulator with these settings:

Parameter Setting
Connector: SER MGT
Rate: 9600 baud
Parity: None
Stop bits:  1
Data bits: 8

Determine which terminal or terminal emulator is connected to the Active SP.
While both terminals display Oracle ILOM login prompts, the terminal connected to the Active
SP displays system status messages while the Oracle ILOM firmware initializes.

Log in to the Active SP as root user with the changeme password.

Password: changeme

Confirm that you are connected to the Active SP.
-> show /SP/redundancy status
status = Active

 If the command displays status = Active, you are logged in to the Active SP.

 If the command displays status = Standby, you are logged in to the Standby SP.
Type exit to log out of the Standby SP, and then log in to the Active SP using the other
terminal or terminal emulator.

 If the command displays status = Standalone, you are logged in to the Active SP, but the
Standby SP has failed to respond or has failed to join the network.

The SPs do not support DHCP. Assign static network addresses to SP0, SP1, and Active_SP so that you can access the Oracle ILOM firmware over a network connection, either using the web interface or the command line interface.

SP Component Description
SP0 The NET MGT 0 port on SP0.
SP1 The NET MGT 0 port on SP1.
Active_SP The IP address for the Active SP. If the Active SP fails, the Standby SP will be assigned this
HOST0 The IP address for the PDomain0-SPM host.
HOST1 The IP address for the PDomain1-SPM host (if your SPARC M7-8 or SPARC M7-16 server
configuration includes two or more PDomains).
HOST2 The IP address for the PDomain2-SPM host (if your SPARC M7-16 server configuration includes three or more PDomains).
HOST3 The IP address for the PDomai

Set Oracle ILOM Network Addresses (IPv4)

1. Confirm that you are logged in to the Active SP.

2. Set the gateway IP address for all SP addresses.
-> set /SP/network
Set "pendingipgateway" to ""

3. Set the netmask IP address for all SP addresses.
-> set /SP/network pendingipnetmask=
Set "pendingipnetmask" to ""

This example uses to set the netmask. Your network environment subnet might
require a different netmask. Use a netmask number most appropriate to your environment.

4. Assign the required IP addresses for the SP components.
* SP0:
-> set /SP/network/SP0/
Set "pendingipaddress" to ""
* SP1:
-> set /SP/network/SP1/
Set "pendingipaddress" to ""
* Active SP:
-> set /SP/network/ACTIVE_SP/
Set "pendingipaddress" to ""
* Assign one address for each PDomain SPM:
-> set /SP/network/HOSTx/
Set "pendingipaddress" to ""

Verify that you have set the network addresses correctly.
For brevity, this SPARC M7-16 server example shows only the output for the IP address
-> show /SP/network -level 2 -output table pendingipaddress pendingipnetmask

6. Type the following command to make the new addresses take affect.
-> set /SP/network commitpending=true

7. Display the IP addresses to confirm that they have been updated.
-> show /SP/network -level 2 -output table ipaddress ipnetmask ipgateway

Power On a Server PDomain for the First Time

1. Confirm that you are logged in to the Active SP through a serial connection.

2. Log in to the Active SP as a root user through a network connection.
$ ssh root@Active-SP-IP-address

3. Using the network connection, connect to the PDomain console to view the
-> start /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_x/HOST/console
Are you sure you want to start /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_x/HOST/console (y/n) y

4. Using the serial connection, power on the PDomain.
-> start /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_x/HOST

Replace x with the PDomain number.
The PDomain initialization can take time to complete

5. (Optional) To display the status of the initialization, type the following command.
-> show /Servers/PDomains/PDomain_x/HOST status

6. Wait until the console displays the OpenBoot ok prompt after the PDomain has
completed the POST diagnostics.

To set boot-device
{ok} setenv boot-device /pci@301/pci@1/nvme@0/disk@1:a

4. List the network devices in the PDomain.

ok show-nets

Set the primary network device.

ok nvalias net /pci@306/pci@1/network@0

Boot the PDomain to start the Oracle Solaris OS configuration.
ok boot

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