Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How to check the status of the backup job?

How to check the status of the backup job?

1. Open DS-User Client application & login with your pc local administrator account
2. Once you login, you will see list of Gateways. login to the gateway with your unix account
3. Once you login in to the gateway, you will see list of ipaddress which are the clients that are managed by this particular gateway.
4. Click on the Logs at the top menu and click on Acivity Log.
5. On activity Log Viewer window, select the following
   - specify the date under From and to
   - Under activity: select backup and click find.

6. You will be presented with the detail description. Click on Description header and it will be ordered by the ip addresses.
7. Expand your result window by clicking on the left bottom icon.
8. Look at the very right side corner, you will see Completion tab.
9. Check with the Completed with error
10. Double click the row to get detail about it.
11. You will see No such file or dir error just ignore it because those might have been deleted by user or system process.
12. Make a note of broken pipes and look for detail. There is a problem with the backup. There might be communication hickup during backup and you got this error. You have to re-run the backup job.
13. Now, close Activity Log windows and find the Backup set where backup is failing.
14. Right click on the backup set and click on Backup now.
15. Click next and finish.
16. You will see the backup status at the bottom of the page.

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